Realization of the Topographical Database of the territories belonging to the Aggregation of Municipalities of the Montane Alto Varesotto communities

Activity carried out: Realization of the Topographical Database on the scale 1: 2000, 1: 5000 and 1: 10000 of the territories belonging to the Aggregation of Municipalities of the Mountain Communities Alto Varesotto

Customer: Mountain Community of Valcuvia

Period: 2008/2011

Extension: It has 15,000

Activity carried out: Realization of the Topographical Database on the scale 1: 2000, 1: 5000 and 1: 10000 of the territories belonging to the Aggregation of Municipalities of the Mountain Communities Alto Varesotto

Customer: Mountain Community of Valcuvia

Period: 2008/2011

Extension: Ha 15,000